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Inspiration and Spirituality


I have been on a spiritual journey as far back as I can remember. I was raised in a very conservative religious denomination and family structure. Though I am appreciative of the spiritual foundation that has shaped who I am today, I am learning more and more as the years go by that spirituality, inspiration, meditation, prayer, mindfulness, simplicity, and having a daily spiritual practice ground me, wakes me  up, and makes me feel alive!


I believe in the Creator God. I believe in his omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience. With that being said, my spiritual goals are always grounded in embodying the full expression of God's love. I live daily to have intimate encounters with God in everyday life. I see God at work in the world around me. I see revolutionary love as a conduit for radical change. I no longer look for miracles, I see miracles in everything. I gain inspiration from every living breathing thing around me.


I remember musing with God about having organic interactions with Him that strengthens our relationship. I simply wanted all the restrictions uprooted. I wanted to experience God as Eden. I would often say, "I just want to get back to Eden". Eden to me represents abundance, love, community, care, beauty, sustenance, and flourishing.  


As your spiritual journey may differ from mine and others, I invite you to center yourself daily, breathe deeply, pause and take in the world around you; connect with the Creator and creation, develop a daily spiritual practice that draws you closer to God and humanity. Do good, seek no harm for others. Use your words to heal and not harm. See the highest good in everyone. Find what works for you and live your best spiritual self with deep intention, gratitude, and love.


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